Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Birthday Weekend

The weekend of my birthday (Oct. 22) Gabriel, his mom, and I drove down to Almería to visit his sister and family and to celebrate with Rosa who turned 2 on the 23rd. We had a great time. Thanks family and friends for all the birthday wishes, cards, and gifts! They were very appreciated.
These were the options we had so the 2 is for Rosa and the 24 plus 1 is for me :) It is a soy cake made for the both of us who share the same allergy to milk. How nice that we have close birthdays, huh?!

Then, in the afternoon we went to Monsel a beach in the Cabo de Gato. Gabriel and I enjoyed some bouldering.

Even, Marta got into and wanted to climb!

Tomasa, MariCarmen, and Rosa
Jose and MariCarmen bringing the girls up the rock.

On top! It´s a beautiful beach with lots of crazy rock formations due to the lava rock and winds

At the house looking at the family pet, whose name is Spider. They feed it small crickets. We tried to feed it some flies but it wasn´t at all interested. . . try giving dog food to a dog after you´ve been feeding it steak. . . I suppose it´s the same reason. :)


Mom said...

So what happened to September?

Heather said...

Wow! that is quite a pet. I would keep it outside too! :) So do they put the crickets in the web when they feed it?

Phillip and Amy said...

Yeah, and supposedly it jumps right away on the cricket and eats it up! We were hoping to see some action but we had the wrong food. The spider actually started bouncing his web .. . we think to try to clean out the punny little fly :)