Thursday, January 7, 2010

It´s raining, it´s pouring, the old man is snoring. . .

While I was passing my time in California for the holidays, here in Spain it was raining. Supposedly they have received in two weeks the amount of rain equls to what they normally receive for the whole year. And it´s still raining. Valdepeñas grape fields totally covered in water
As you can see by the grass on the rails, the day before this bridge was submerged by water

The river that runs by Valdepeñas on the right connected by a newly formed one on the left

When the sun comes out: double rainbow!

Gabriel at La Cimbara

Me down at the base of La Cimbara

the river that passes by La Puebla de Don Rodrigo

Gabriel and I enjoying it all and looking forward to this spring!


Ashleigh said...

Oh my! We too, have had much rain in our part of much so that it was affecting our electricity. Went to Germany for vacation and was very glad to find a dry driveway and electricity upon our return!

Phillip and Amy said...

That is a ton of water, la cimbarra looks a lot different, how is the canal street, does that canal have water in it? Btw, nice jackets. Got a new magazine to check out: